Register at our practice

Are you searching for a new general practitioner and residing in our postal code area (1211, 1212, 1213, 1214 and 1215)? By sending in the registration form, after consultation with us, you can register at our practice.
By using this form you give us your consent to withdraw your registration from your current general practitioner. You will have to inform your current general practitioner of leaving yourself.

Of course you are also welcome to become acquainted with us at our practice first.

When your previous general practitioner is located in Hilversum, an acquaintancy meeting takes place at our practice before you can be registered.
For this please contact the assistant.

'Patient stop'

It is possible that you can not register at the general practitioner of your choice if there is no room for new patients.
See the page New patients for the current state of affairs.

Registration form